
Dietology represents the branch of science on nutrition and clinical medicine focused on the study and justification of nutrition peculiarities in different acute and chronic diseases and states.

What is the purpose of dietician’s consultation? As most people think, referral to dietician is necessary only in cases when there is no desired effect from the various diets. But really the range of dietician’s services is much broader. This specialist is referred to the people who are not satisfied with their weight for both when it is excessive or insufficient, everyone who wants to feel good, prevent the development of chronic diseases and not to aggravate the existing ones. The other specialist’s objectives include: prolongation of youth and beauty, maintaining good skin condition.

Yet, the foremost target involves the reduction of excessive weight. Obesity and excessive weight represent not only esthetic problem. People having even the minor overweight are subject to different chronic diseases. After all, excess weigh means the load on locomotion system, that’s why weight reduction is also required to reduce the load on spinal cord and joints. The task of dietician is not based on the adjustment of diet due to the fact that any diet is the temporary process; actually it resides in the development of individual dietary nutrition.

In addition, dietician may prescribe supplementary medical investigations as he is in touch with other specialists: endocrinologist, gastroenterologist, cardiologist, allergolosist, and psychologist.

Modern dietology is based on the use of latest techniques and medical advances. It is founded on body bioimpedance analysis (bioimpedance diagnostics with the use of “АВС-01 Medass” analyser) which represents the unique method of multifunctional diagnostics to obtain objective findings on the composition of human body.

Impedancemetry determines:

  • adipose and fat free mass
  • per cent and quantitative estimation of fat content in the body
  • body mass index (the indicator used to estimate the grade of obesity or undernourishment)
  • basic and specific metabolic activity (kcal)
  • quantity of active cell mass (muscles, organs, brain and nerve cells)
  • the amount of extracellular, intracellular and total fluid

Diagnostics of body composition is important for:

  • risk prediction of diabetes mellitus, atherosclerosis, hypertensive disease, obesity and osteoporosis
  • development of weight improvement program
  • to estimate the efficiency of weight and edema reducing treatment
  • to determine the level of performance

Body impedance is very popular in the leading European clinics. The principle of analyser operation is based on the resistance measurement of body tissues – bioimpedance for the further quantitative assessment of body components. The investigation is performed in the fasted state or 2 hour after meal during the first referral, and later –in the setting of the implemented weight-reducing therapy in order to assess the rate and the “correctness” of weight reduction.